SQL database setup

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Setup Host Header

  • Windows
C:\>notepad c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Set:	ws.mylvs.foo

Refresh dns cache

ipconfig /flushdns
  • Linux
root@myLVS-LinuxClient:/# vi /etc/hosts

Set:	ws.mylvs.foo

root@mylvs01:/var/www/mylvs/ws/cgi-bin# chmod 777 lvs.cgi
root@mylvs01:/var/www/mylvs/ws/modules# chmod 777 lvs.pm


Note that thie below steps are not needed if you have used the sql import script from the tarball.

  • Login sample:
root@mylvs01:/# mysql -u root -p
  • Change the database:
mysql> use mylvs;

Create the Database and the Users

Create the database, login into myslq:

# mysql -u root -p 

On the SQL prompt type:

mysql> create database mylvs;

Create the default mylvs user using the password = demo:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mylvs.* TO mylvsuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'demo';

Add the demo user into myLVS if not already done, table tblUsers (Already done when importing the sql script):

mysql> insert into tblUsers (userID,name,operations,logview,showcon,searchcon,reset,reboot,search,whois,nslookup,scan,servermanager) values ('1','demo','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1');

Command prepare

Note that thie below steps are not needed if you have used the sql import script from the tarball.
This kind of data is not covered by the myLVS web gui yet but is already imported if the mylvs.sql script has already been imported.

mysql>  INSERT INTO `tblCommands` (`cmdID`,`enabled`,`name`,`command`,`type`,`type-description`) VALUES 
(1,1,'Reset IIS','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_iis',2,'Reset Service'),
(2,1,'Restart Apache','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_apache',2,'Reset Service'),
(3,1,'Reboot Server','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reboot',2,'Reboot Server');

Webservice prepare

Note that thie below steps are not needed if you have used the sql import script from the tarball.
This kind of data is not covered by the myLVS web gui yet but is already imported if the mylvs.sql script has already been imported.

INSERT INTO `tblMaintenance` (`mID`,`enabled`,`ip`,`hostname`,`groupID`,`requestUP`,`requestDOWN`,`WeightDownTime`,`WeightDownPending`,`TurnOffTime`,
`DSLRenewRequest`,`DSLDate`,`DSLEpoche`,`DSLIP`) VALUES 
(1,1,'','hh',1,0,0,30,0,30,0,200,'Host has been turned on',0,'0','20150727143609','0','0','0',0,0,'0',0,'0'),
(2,1,'','hh',1,0,0,30,0,30,0,200,'Host has been turned on',0,'0','20150727143230','0','0','0',0,0,'0',0,'0');

myLVS Monitoring prepare

Not all functions are implemented within the GUI, a few manual steps are required to setup remote access. This will show how to setup the command table for nrpe commands for

  • reset_iis
  • reset_apache

  • The monitoring ID will be 1 which means that this record is offered to be used for monitoring purposes.
INSERT INTO `tblCommands` (`cmdID`,`enabled`,`name`,`command`,`type`,`type-description`) VALUES 
(4,1,'Check HTTP','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H %HOST%',1,'Check IIS');

  • tblRecover
INSERT INTO `tblRecover` (`recID`,`enabled`,`name`,`command`) VALUES 
(1,1,'Reset IIS','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_iis'),
(2,1,'Reset Apache','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_apache'),
(3,1,'Reboot','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reboot');
  • tblRecoverTasks
INSERT INTO `tblRecoverTasks` (`TaskID`,`recTaskID`,`recID`,`recClock`,`title`) VALUES 
(1,1,1,2,'Reset IIS'),
(2,1,3,5,'Reset IIS'),
(3,2,2,1,'Reset Apache'),
(4,2,3,2,'Reset Apache');

  • Messaging:
INSERT INTO `tblMessaging` (`mid`,`type`,`mailfrom`,`server`,`mailto`,`mailcc`,`mailbcc`,`title`) VALUES 

Remote Access

Insert the statements:

mysql>  INSERT INTO `tblCommands` (`cmdID`,`enabled`,`name`,`command`,`type`,`type-description`) VALUES 
(1,1,'Reset IIS','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_iis',2,'Reset Service'),
(2,1,'Restart Apache','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_apache',2,'Reset Service'),
(3,1,'Reboot Server','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reboot',2,'Reboot Server');