SQL database setup
Create the Database and the Users
Create the database, login into myslq:
# mysql -u root -p
On the SQL prompt type:
mysql> create database mylvs;
Create the default mylvs user using the password = demo:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mylvs.* TO mylvsuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'demo';
Add the demo user into myLVS if not already done, table tblUsers (Already done when importing the sql script):
mysql> insert into tblUsers (userID,name,operations,logview,showcon,searchcon,reset,reboot,search,whois,nslookup,scan,servermanager) values ('1','demo','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1');
Setup Host Header
- Windows
C:\>notepad c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Set: ws.mylvs.foo
Refresh dns cache
ipconfig /flushdns
- Linux
root@myLVS-LinuxClient:/# vi /etc/hosts
Set: ws.mylvs.foo
root@mylvs01:/var/www/mylvs/ws/cgi-bin# chmod 777 lvs.cgi root@mylvs01:/var/www/mylvs/ws/modules# chmod 777 lvs.pm
- Login sample:
root@mylvs01:/# mysql -u root -p
- Change the database:
mysql> use mylvs;
Command prepare
This kind of data is not covered by the myLVS web gui yet but is already imported if the mylvs.sql script has already been imported.
mysql> INSERT INTO `tblCommands` (`cmdID`,`enabled`,`name`,`command`,`type`,`type-description`) VALUES (1,1,'Reset IIS','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_iis',2,'Reset Service'), (2,1,'Restart Apache','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reset_apache',2,'Reset Service'), (3,1,'Reboot Server','/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H %HOST% -p 5666 -c reboot',2,'Reboot Server');
Webservice prepare
This kind of data is not covered by the myLVS web gui yet but is already imported if the mylvs.sql script has already been imported.
INSERT INTO `tblMaintenance` (`mID`,`enabled`,`ip`,`hostname`,`groupID`,`requestUP`,`requestDOWN`,`WeightDownTime`,`WeightDownPending`,`TurnOffTime`, `TurnOffPending`,`response`,`message`,`updatepending`,`requestDate`,`responseDate`,`receivedfrom`,`CurWeightDownTime`,`CurTurnOffTime`,`DSLMaintenance`, `DSLRenewRequest`,`DSLDate`,`DSLEpoche`,`DSLIP`) VALUES (1,1,'','hh',1,0,0,30,0,30,0,200,'Host has been turned on',0,'0','20150727143609','0','0','0',0,0,'0',0,'0'), (2,1,'','hh',1,0,0,30,0,30,0,200,'Host has been turned on',0,'0','20150727143230','0','0','0',0,0,'0',0,'0');